Pool Filter Cartridges – When to Clean? When to Replace?

For swimming pools, using a cartridge pool filter is an excellent choice because they are easy to maintain and clean. Proper maintenance of cartridge filters often comes down to knowing when to clean and when to replace the cartridges. This article will provide you with detailed answers to these two key questions, helping you ensure your pool water remains clean and healthy at all times.

Pool Filter Cartridges – When to Clean? When to Replace?
Pool filter cartridges do not have a fixed lifespan, so it is crucial to recognize the signs indicating a replacement is needed.

When to Clean the Cartridge

Knowing the right time to clean the cartridge is crucial. According to expert recommendations, you should clean the filter when the pressure gauge reads 8-10 psi above the standard starting pressure.

For example, if you purchased a new cartridge and the psi was 10 when you first started the system, you would need to clean the filter when the pressure reaches around 18 psi. Besides this, you should also clean the filter under the following circumstances:

During Algae Bloom Treatment

Algae blooms significantly increase the impurities and microorganisms in pool water, which can quickly clog the cartridge. To prevent a drop in filtration efficiency, you should clean the cartridge frequently during algae bloom treatments.

After a Major Storm

Major storms can blow a lot of dust, leaves, and other debris into the pool. These contaminants quickly accumulate on the cartridge, increasing filter pressure. Therefore, it’s important to thoroughly clean the cartridge after each major storm.

As Part of Pool Opening or Closing

It is a good practice to clean the cartridge as part of your pool opening or closing routine. This helps ensure optimal water quality at the beginning and end of each pool season.

Here are the steps for cleaning the cartridge:

Shut Off the Pool Pump and Release Pressure

First, turn off the pool pump at the breaker. Then, slowly open the air relief valve to release the excess air from the system.

Remove and Inspect the Cartridge

Remove the clamps or assembly holding the filter in place, take off the filter top, and carefully remove the cartridge. Check the cartridge and all components for damage or wear.

Clean the Cartridge

Use a garden hose with a nozzle to clean the cartridge. Avoid using a pressure washer as it can damage the cartridge. For stubborn dirt, use a cartridge cleaner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Check and Lubricate the O-ring

Inspect the O-ring on the filter tank. If it is in good condition, apply some lubricant to maintain it. If it shows signs of wear, replace it.

Reassemble and Restart the System

After cleaning and thoroughly rinsing the cartridge, place it back into the filter, reassemble all components, and restart the pool pump. Ensure the system runs properly and release any excess air.

When to Replace the Cartridge

Pool filter cartridges do not have a fixed lifespan, so it is crucial to recognize the signs indicating a replacement is needed. Here are some key signs that your cartridge needs to be replaced:

Broken Bands

The bands on the cartridge keep the pleats spaced properly. While broken bands do not necessarily mean the cartridge must be replaced immediately, they do indicate reduced filtration efficiency. If many bands are broken, carefully inspect the cartridge. If it is in good overall condition, you can continue to use it; otherwise, replace the cartridge.

Color Changes

The color of the cartridge is another important indicator. While it will not remain as white as when it was first installed, it should not have permanent dark brown or oily stains. If it does, the cartridge may be saturated with oils. Try cleaning it with a cartridge cleaner. If the oils cannot be removed, the cartridge needs to be replaced.

Deterioration of Pleats

Inspect the pleats of the cartridge. If the material is starting to wear out or crack, the cartridge has lost its effective filtration ability and should be replaced immediately. Regularly checking the pleats is essential to ensure the cartridge is functioning properly.

Damaged End Caps

Damaged end caps are another clear sign that the cartridge needs to be replaced. Small stress cracks might not be a problem, but any significant breaks in the end caps indicate the cartridge should be replaced.

Tips to Extend Cartridge Life

To maximize the life of your cartridge, here are some useful tips:

Regular Cleaning

As mentioned earlier, regular cleaning is key to maintaining the performance of the cartridge. Even if the filter pressure hasn’t reached 8-10 psi above the starting pressure, cleaning the cartridge every 3-6 months can prevent the buildup of impurities.

Maintaining Good Water Quality

Keeping the pool water chemically balanced reduces the workload on the cartridge and extends its lifespan. Regularly test the water to ensure pH levels, chlorine content, and other parameters are within the normal range.

Control Pool Usage

Managing the frequency and number of users in the pool can reduce the accumulation of contaminants and lighten the load on the cartridge. High usage rates can accelerate the wear and clogging of the cartridge.

Proper Use of Chemicals

Use pool chemicals appropriately to avoid overuse or underuse. Excessive chemicals increase the burden on the cartridge, while insufficient chemicals can lead to water quality issues.

Prevent External Contaminants

Using a pool cover can prevent dust, leaves, and other debris from entering the pool, reducing the frequency of cartridge cleaning. Keeping the area around the pool clean is also important.


With the information provided in this article, you should now understand when to clean and replace your pool filter cartridges. Regular cleaning and timely replacement not only enhance water quality but also extend the life of your filter. If you are looking for an efficient filtration medium, consider using a sand filter, which can significantly improve water quality and reduce maintenance efforts. Keep your pool water clean and enjoy a refreshing swim every time!