A More In-Depth Understanding of Quartz Sand Filters

Quartz sand filters, as essential water treatment equipment, play a crucial role in various industries, including their application in swimming pools. Their unique filtration mechanism and efficient performance make them an ideal choice for water quality treatment. This article delves into the working principles, application areas, and maintenance of quartz sand filters to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of this critical water treatment equipment.

Pool Sand Filter
Pool Sand Filter

Types of Quartz Sand Filters

Conventional Quartz Sand Filter (Shallow Media Filter)

Conventional quartz sand filters, also known as shallow media filters, are structured with multiple standard high-speed sand cylinder units. These units are internally equipped with unique water distributors and collectors, along with bidirectional automatic flushing valves.This design allows for the independent sequential backwashing of multiple standard high-speed sand cylinders during normal system operation, achieving full automation. The advantages of this filter include minimal backwashing water usage, easy equipment installation, and user-friendly operation, making it an ideal water treatment device in various fields.

Continuous Sand Filter

The continuous sand filter is an innovative, environmentally friendly product with a unique design. Its distinctive features enable effective removal of suspended solids and colloidal substances from raw water or wastewater.Unlike traditional sand filters, the continuous sand filter does not require a high-power, high-flow, or high-lift backwashing water pump to backwash the dirty sand bed. This significantly simplifies the operational process, eliminating the need to start the backwashing pump and corresponding valve adjustments, making it more convenient in practical applications.

Working Principles of Different Filters

Working Principles of Shallow Media Filter:

  • Unfiltered water is evenly distributed through a unique water distributor.
  • Water flows through the filter’s media layer in a laminar flow state.
  • Impurities are trapped within the media layer.
  • Multiple uniformly distributed water collectors at the bottom collect and discharge filtered water.
  • Utilizes parallel flow filtration, achieving effective filtration even at high flow rates.

Working Principles of Continuous Sand Filter:

  • Raw water passes through the inlet, flows through a water distributor, and then moves upward through the filter bed.
  • Filter media captures impurities, and clean water is collected and discharged via an overflow weir.
  • Compressed air, injected through a compressed air inlet nozzle, lifts dirty sand and water to the top of a lifting pipe.
  • Dirty sand falls into a sand washing trough, where automatic cleaning occurs due to the water level difference between filtered and backwash water.
  • Air-lifted water and wash water flow into the backwash water trough and are discharged through the backwash water pipe.
  • Cleaned filter media circulates back to the filter bed via a sand distribution system.

Maintenance and Care of Quartz Sand Filters

  1. Preparation before Operation:
    • Check if the inlet and outlet valves of the raw water booster pump are open before starting.
    • Activate the main power switch of the booster pump.
    • Then, turn on the power switch of the raw water booster pump.
  2. Bleeding after Initial Operation or Extended Shutdown:
    • After the initial operation or a prolonged shutdown of the quartz sand filter, air bleeding is necessary.
    • This process ensures the absence of air in the system, guaranteeing the normal operation of the equipment.
  3. Controlled Backwashing:
    • During backwashing, control the intensity to prevent leakage of quartz sand filter media from the system.
    • Adequately control backwashing intensity to ensure thorough cleaning of the quartz sand media, maintaining efficient equipment operation.
  4. Applicable Conditions:
    • Quartz sand filters are suitable for facilities where water quality requirements demand turbidity levels below 5mg/L.
    • Prior to use, thorough preparation of pre-treatment equipment is essential to ensure the equipment is in optimal operating condition.

In conclusion, by gaining a comprehensive understanding of quartz sand filters, it becomes clear that they are indispensable in water treatment. Their efficient filtration not only enhances water quality but also provides reliable support for various industries. This article aims to guide readers in better understanding and applying quartz sand filters. For any inquiries, feel free to contact us for clarification.