Do You Know How to Properly Use and Maintain a Swimming Pool Circulating Water Pump?

Circulating water pool pumps play a very important role in pool maintenance. They not only ensure the cleanliness of the water but also maintain the dynamic balance of the swimming pool water. However, many swimming pool managers face a common problem: How to properly use and maintain the swimming pool circulation pump to ensure its working efficiency and lifespan? This article will take an in-depth look at common problems with swimming pool circulating water pumps, their causes, and provide practical maintenance tips. Our goal is to help you better understand how your pool circulation pump works and gain the necessary maintenance knowledge to ensure your pool is always in top condition.

Sand Filter Pump Sand Filter
Sand Filter Pump Sand Filter

Ⅰ、Reasons for pressure loss in swimming pool circulating pool pumps during daily operation

1、The influence of the dirtiness of the filter material in the sand filter tank

In the water circulation system of the swimming pool, the sand filter tank plays a key filtration role. It removes impurities in the water through filter materials (such as quartz sand). After long-term operation, dirt will accumulate on the surface of the filter material, causing the filtering effect to decrease and the water flow resistance to increase. When the filter material becomes more dirty, the water pump requires more pressure to push water through the filter material, resulting in increased pressure loss.

2、Influence of changes in water flow load in the swimming pool

The frequency of use of the swimming pool and the number of people will cause changes in the flow load. At peak times or when the load is large, the pool pump needs to cope with a larger amount of water, thus increasing the load on the pool pump. The efficiency and regulation capabilities of the pump need to be able to adapt to this load change to maintain stable operation of the system.

3、Smoothness of water flow caused by elbows in circulating pipes

In piping design, each bend creates resistance to flow. Too many bends or sharp corners will increase the flow resistance, thereby reducing the efficiency of the pool pump. When designing and maintaining pipelines, unnecessary bends should be minimized or appropriate curvatures should be used to reduce resistance.

4、The height difference between the pump and the water surface in the circulation pipeline

The vertical distance between the pool pump and the water surface has an important impact on the working efficiency of the pump. Excessive drop may cause the pool pump to require more energy to overcome gravity, increasing operating pressure. Reasonably design the location of the pool pump to reduce unnecessary energy consumption and pressure loss.

5、The power required for backwashing the purification sand filter tank

Backwashing is an important process for cleaning the filter sand tank. This equipment uses a reverse flow method to remove impurities accumulated in the filter media. In this process, special power is needed to reverse the flow of water. Under normal circumstances, the power consumption and pump pressure required for backwashing will be higher than usual.

Ⅱ、How should we perform the correct operation and maintenance of pool pumps?

1、Check and clean the sand tank regularly

As the most important part of the filtration system, the sand filter tank must be checked frequently to see if it is clogged or damaged. Remove dirt and debris in the sand tank to ensure the filtration effect and prevent excessive dirt from causing an increase in pressure in the pump.

2、Regularly check the pool pump head cover sealing ring

The pump head cover sealing ring is a key component to ensure the sealing of the pump body, and its condition directly affects the suction power and efficiency of the pump. The sealing ring should be checked frequently for wear and damage, and if a problem is found, it should be replaced promptly.

3、Keep the motor clean and keep the motor air outlet unobstructed

The motor is the power source of the water pump and needs to be kept clean and in good heat dissipation conditions. Regularly clean the dust and impurities on the surface of the motor to ensure that the air vents are not blocked to facilitate heat dissipation of the motor.

4、In case of emergency, promptly replace the motor shaft sealing ring

The sealing ring of the motor shaft may wear out during long-term operation. Once the sealing ring is found to be damaged or worn, it should be replaced in time to prevent the water pump from leaking or reducing efficiency.

5、Pool pump maintenance measures in winter

In winter or when the water pump is not in use, the accumulated water in the water pump head should be removed to avoid freezing and cracking. Clean the water pump thoroughly, including inside and outside the pump. Store the pump in a dry and well-ventilated room to prevent corrosion or damage from moisture.

In summary, regular inspection and maintenance are key to ensuring the efficient operation of your water pump and extending its service life. Whether it’s cleaning the filter, checking the seals, or regularly checking the overall operating status of the pump, every step cannot be ignored. I hope this knowledge and skills can help you better manage and maintain your swimming pool, providing a safer and cleaner swimming pool environment for you and your users. Let us work together to bring longer vitality and better user experience to the swimming pool.

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